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Top 7 Herbal Plant you must have in Kitchen Garden

Buy Herbal Plants

What is Herb?
Any seed-bearing plant which does not have a woody stem and dies down to the ground after flowering. Usually aromatic plants, such as tulsi, ginger, bay leaf, black pepper, curry patta, lavender and mint.

Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is a medicinal herb used in Ayurveda, a form of alternative medicine that originated in India.

Growing your own ginger is easy and rewarding. Once planted, the ginger needs nothing but water and patience to mature into a delicious, spicy ingredient. This guide focuses on the edible species, but most flowering ornamental ginger plants grow in similar conditions.

Bay Leaf
Bay Leaf plants are slow growing trees with leaves that are used as seasoning in cooking. It is also known as bay laurel. If you enjoy growing herbs, this is a great one to try, since it has a very aromatic flavor.

Black Pepper
Black Pepper is the dried fruit of the Black Pepper plant. Each fruit contains a single seed, and that seed will germinate if the fruit is planted in fertile soil that maintains the required temperature until the seed sprouts. Black Pepper found in grocery stores should not be planted.While there is a small possibility they could germinate if planted properly, it is very unlikely. So it is advisable to avoid using culinary black pepper and instead obtain seeds meant for growing.

Curry Patta
Growing curry leaf tree in the home garden is only advisable in areas without freezes. Curry leaf plant is frost tender but it can be grown indoors. Plant the tree in a well drained pot with good potting mix and place in a sunny area. Feed it weekly with a diluted solution of seaweed fertilizer and trim the leaves as needed.

Lavender repels many harmful insect pests, making it especially useful when planted as a border around the vegetable garden. It is a great companion plant for a variety of other plants. For example, lavender is highly effective in repelling cabbageworms that infest vegetables.

You can find mint growing outdoors in a pot of soil or even in a bottle of water. For starters, you need a container with adequate drainage for healthy plant growth. Pot up your mint plant with a good potting mix, either a regular commercial type or one with equal amounts of sand, peat, and perlite mixed in.

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