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How to get Bigger Fruits Using Organic Fertilizer

Do you want to grow size of fruits on your plant? Bonsai Plants Nursery Got an Ultimate Organic way To increase Fruit Size on Any Plant. By using Amratras Liquid fertilizer Farmers increased the size of fruits in their garden and earned extra. farmers say thanks to Amratras for adding extra money to their pocket. Order Amratras liquid fertilizer using this link now

Amrutras means World’s best liquid organic ferlizer developed with
advanced technology which nourishes and protects all farm products

Specializaon of Amrutr on of Amrturas:

  • India’s first patented product(Liquid Organic Ferlizer).
  • Saves 25-30% of nitrogen, phosphorous and
    potassium ferlizers.
  • Enriched with 21 important nutrients for crops.
    Necessary for healthy nursery plants.
  • Easy to use.
  • Suitable for both drip and sprinkle methodology.
  • 15-45% increase in producon.
  • Suits green house.
  • Proven results on all types of crops.

Application :

  • 1 Litre Amrutras in 100 Litres
    water per Acre via drip.
  • 10 ml Amrutras to be
    sprinkled in 1 Litre water
    aer every 15-20 days
    of germinaon.

Things to take care while using Amrutras:

  • Do not mix any kind of chemical pescide or spreader with Amrutras.
  • Sprinkle Amrutras preferably early morning or in evening for best results
  • Store away from sunlight
  • Shake bole well before use.
  • If chemical ferlizer is already been used,
    kindly maintain a gap of atleast one week prior using Amrutras.

Advantages of Amrutr es of Amrutras :

  • Not only retains ferlity but also enriches soil and makes healthy plants.
  • It transforms non ferle land into nutrients enriched ferle land.
  • Amrutras slowly destroys poisonous substances from soil.
  • Amrutras reverses negave impact of chemical ferlizers on soil by
    enriching it with nutrients.
  • Use of Amrutras substanally increases producon/yield.
  • Amrutras helps crops/fruits retain their original color and taste.

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How to Make Homemade Fertilizer for Flowers and Fruit Plants

Buy fertilizer for plants here… How to Make Homemade Fertilizer for Flowers and Fruit Plants What is Organic Fertilizer? Organic fertilizers comprise a variety of plant-derived materials that range from fresh or dried plant material to animal manures and litters to agricultural by-products 7 Best Homemade Fertilizer for Flowers and Fruit Plants Grass Clippings If you have an organic lawn or rake, make sure to collect your grass clippings to use on your gardens. Half an inch to an inch of grass clippings makes a great weed-blocking mulch, and it is also rich in nitrogen, which is an essential nutrient for most plants. Manure Manure comes from a variety of sources — cows, horses, chickens, and even bats. Each type of manure is high in nitrogen and other nutrients, but you’ll need to use it carefully. Raw manure is highly acidic and may actually have more nutrients than your plants need, so too much can burn your plants. It’s best to use composted manure. Coffee Grounds Coffee grounds come with a lot of uses, but one of their best is as a fertilizer. Lots of plants, such as blueberries, rhododendron, roses, and tomatoes, thrive best in acidic soil. Recycle your coffee grounds to help acidify your soil. Eggshells Egg shells are something else that you probably have tons of throughout the week and typically just throw out. The shells contain a lot of calcium which helps with cellular growth in your plants. Calcium deficient soil can lead to blossom end rot on tomatoes and various other garden catastrophes. This egg shell fertilizer will help to end that. Just crush up used egg shells and then bury them in the soil. Banana Peels We eat bananas for their potassium, and roses love potassium too. Simply bury peels in a hole alongside the rose bush so they can compost naturally. As the rose grows, bury the peels into the soil’s top layer. Fireplace Ash Fertilizer Fireplace ash provides calcium carbonate and potassium to plants. All you need to do is add the ash to the garden bed and then massage it into the soil. It may be best to do this right before planting so that you don’t risk knocking your plants over or harming them while massing the ash into the soil. Onion Skin Fertilizer Don’t throw away the onion skins, use them to create organic potassium-rich fertilizer for all your plants growing indoors or outdoors. Using it will increase their disease resistance, growth, strong stems, and productivity. Use the leftover onion skins for mulching. The dry peels will decompose soon and enrich your soil with potassium and calcium.

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