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How to Treat Unhealthy Plants – How to Save a plant thats about to die

Buy Fast Growing Quality Plants- How to Treat Unhealthy Plants Plants, like people and animals, can develop a number of diseases. Whether you see it in your houseplants or out in the garden, diseases can destroy your greenery quickly if not treated, prevented, or destroyed Whenever plants begin to drop their leaves, it is certain that their health has been injured; this maybe due to over-potting, over-watering, over-heating, too much cold, or the application of such stimulants as guano, or to some other cause which has destroyed the fine rootlets by which the plant feeds, and induced disease that may lead to death. Natural Remedies Many of these treatments involve making and using a spray. It is best to use the spray in the early morning or in the evening. Do not spray when it is too hot, or it may burn your plant’s leaves. Before trying any spray, you would be wise to test it on one leaf first Apple cider vinegar Dilute one tablespoon of vinegar in one gallon of water and use to treat fungal infection on any type of plant. It can also help treat black spot on aspen trees and on roses. Baking soda Another fungicidal spray is made with baking soda. Mix one tablespoon of soda with two and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil and add to a gallon of water. Shake the mixture well and add to it one half teaspoon of castile soap. Chive spray. This mixture is useful for treating downy mildew on vegetables like pumpkins, squash, and cucumber. To make it, steep a large bunch of chopped chives in boiling water. Strain the chives out and use the liquid to treat the vegetables. It can also help prevent apple scab. Garlic To prevent fungal infections in any plants that you feel are susceptible to them, you can use this effective spray. To make it, you need, clematis leaves, and the papery outer covering of garlic. Chop them up together in a blender or food processor with water. Strain the liquid and use it as a spray. Pruning the Infected Area Once infection is noted in the plant. Its important to pruned it immediately.Pruning cuts should be cuts 12 inches below any discolored this is because discoloration is a chemical response of plants. Watering Regularly The amount of water may vary from species to species. Find out the average moisture needs of your particular plant and then get a moisture gauge. Monitoring Plant

Article Sources:

Treating Plant Diseases Naturally

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